Fri, 23 Feb 2024
I've been itching to write more songs, so I thought I'd do one of them songwritin' challenges.
If you've been following me the past few decades, you may remember me doing a few 50 Song Challenges, where you must write 50 songs in 90 days. Or a couple times I wrote and recorded an album in 24 hours. Those are way too intense for an old man like me. And I'm not out to prove anything; I just want to write again.
There's the February album in a month challenge, for which I collaborated on a song with Adam Rabin back in 2020. That was cool fun, so I asked him if he wanted to do something this year. He's wicked busy this month, so he bowed out, though we tossed around some ideas we may want to do a proper collaboration on later.
So in the end I decided to just do 100 songs by the end of the year. Certainly doable, provided nothing awful happens. I started on February 1st and wrote six songs in six days, which is a great pace that absolutely cannot be maintained. Then LIFE happened and I didn't do anything for two weeks. But now I'm up to 10 songs, which puts me a week ahead of schedule.
Anyway, you can keep tabs on my progress here:
I'm recording demos as I'm writing, so with few exceptions you are getting the first draft of these songs. It feels great so far. At this pace, the name of the game is quantity over quality, and that's fine because it's about exercising a muscle. But I think more of these songs are good than have any right to be. Definitely will want to re-record some later